Yaashi Kapoor is an Indian actress, hailing from Patiala, Punjab. She started out her career by dabbling in music, modeling as well as theatre. Her first movie was the Bhojpuri film Damru (2018), directed by Rajnish Mishra. She shared the screen along with Khesari Lal Yadav, Awadhesh Mishra and Padam Singh.
Yaashi Kapoor
After several auditions, she bagged a role in X Ray: The Inner Image (2019) which is also her Bollywood debut. In the film, Yaashi plays the lead role opposite Rahul Sharma.
Watch the trailer of her film X Ray: The Inner Image, This movie is being made in 5 languages simultaneously Hindi - Tamil - Telugu - Kannada - English.
UrmovieGuide team wish her all the best for the movie.
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Yaashi Kapoor
After several auditions, she bagged a role in X Ray: The Inner Image (2019) which is also her Bollywood debut. In the film, Yaashi plays the lead role opposite Rahul Sharma.
Yaashi Kapoor in a scene from the film X ray : the inner image.
The films song Aa Paas Aa Video |has become quite popular in Youtube with more than 3 lakh views. watch it here.
Rahul Sharma & Yaashi Kapoor in a song scene.
UrmovieGuide team wish her all the best for the movie.
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